Rosetti Superyachts announced a remote-control system that allows land-based users to maneuver a yacht with the same controls found on the yacht’s bridge, according to the builder. Focusing on a ‘self-drive’ technology, the idea is currently being trialed in cars and the Italian yard said it is working to adapt remote control technology for use in yachting.  The system’s ultimate goal is to enhance vessel security while reducing management and insurance costs.

According to Rosetti, the system is based on a machine-to-machine, or sometimes called M2M connection, which is already installed aboard a Lloyd’s-certified tugboat. Enabling operation of navigation, propulsion and engine systems allows for enhanced security while reducing the cost of management and insurance.

The yacht and the remote system are designed to ensure cybersecurity by using two encrypted tunnels with a direct connection between the two items without the use of a third-party server. Video and night-vision cameras were also added to assist in avoiding collisions.

Commands are sent via encrypted satellite links that are replayed through standard LAN cables. From there, the system controls navigation, engine room and propulsion through video. The yacht is then delivered to the appropriate destination.

The idea behind the remote-control navigation originated aboard a tugboat called the Giano Tug which was displayed during a convention in France this past June, according to the Yachting Magazine. The yard said much of the technology needed for autonomous vessels are already in place while pointed to the Giano Tug which is already controlled via a remote-control system.

At the ITS Tugnology convention earlier this year, The Lloyds Register tugboat was presented and was controlled by a captain using a remote console.  After the convention, the yard called on the International Maritime Organisation to update regulation on remote control technology; enabling it to be transferred to yachting.

“Maritime law is one of the oldest legal systems in the world that has successfully adapted from sail to steam and beyond. No doubt the same will hold true for autonomous remote controlled vessels in the near future,” the yard said.

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