AI Technology Making Its Way Into The Healthcare World


Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies are beginning to take on the health industry.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer system that is able to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. Things like visual perception, decision-making, speech recognition, language translation, etc. Every day there is a new piece of medical information to learn in the medical world. It is not possible for a medical professional, or several, to constantly keep 100% up to date with all the new information involving health, treatments, and medical technology.

This is why the growth for AI in the medical world is becoming a hot topic. AI and machine learning could very well possibly help expand the medical world with the use of smart tools. Research from Accenture projects that healthcare’s AI marked should increase elevenfold between the years of 2014 and 2021. That is a range of $600 million to $6.6 billion.

Contrary to belief, there is a difference between machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Although, they are similar in a lot of ways. Machine learning itself is an application of AI. It operates off the premise that a machine is capable of using various amounts of data in order to learn for themselves, and recognize things more unknown to everyone. This provides constantly developing systems for consumer health, and the healthcare industry itself.

Machine learning integrates with parts of the industry which already obtain extensive sets of data, and past examples, available in their database. This software has the capability of learning patterns that can detect tumors, recommend diagnoses, etc. Who knows where the future will take it from there.

Recently, Google released a new algorithm for a type of software called a “neural network”. This is a model based off the human brain and the human nervous system. The algorithm intends to predict outcomes of hospital patients; like changes of readmission, length of stay, and odds of death. This seems far fetched and futuristic, but it could be just around the corner.

AI tools are also able to serve as consultants. For example, IBM’s Watson supercomputer processed more than 115,000 patients and consumers, according to the company. It was introduced in 2010, combining analytical software with artificial intelligence in order to answer questions. Professor of computing at Dublin City University, Alan Smeaton, says that large amounts of doctors use the Watson system in order to remain up to date. There are always constant breakthroughs in the medical field that require doctors to be informed on; this was they can be. This specific software is used all over the country aiding doctors in determining the impact of symptoms, decision making, and diagnosing.

Of course, medical professionals are okay with the use of AI technology and similar devices as long as they maintain the final say in decision making. This should be used more as a tool, than a set in stone answer and decision maker. Human error is one of the main reasons that AI technology is being used in the healthcare world, but one mistake can set them back greatly in the public’s opinion. AI technology will also allow patients to share any information they like with their doctors.

The future of the medical industry could highly advance with this technology, and open many doors.

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