“Just run the presses — print money,” Trump told his top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, according to Bob Woodward’s book regarding Trump administration, which was published earlier this year. One stunning statement left several baffled when Trump stated,  “Just run the presses — print money” to Gary Cohen, who entered the White House from Goldman Sachs, despite registering as a Democrat.

“You don’t get to do it that way,” he told the president, according to Woodward. “We have huge deficits and they matter. The government doesn’t keep a balance sheet like that.”

However, Trump claims the quotes within the book “Fear” were all false and made up; saying the book was “a con on the public.” Cohn resigned earlier this year, and even issued a “nondenial denial,” claiming the book “does not accurately portray my experience at the White House.”

On Thursday, during an interview on  CNBC’s “Fast Money Halftime Report,” Cohen yet again, declined to issue an outright denial, and when Scott Wapner directly asked him if Trump asked him to print money, he dissented.

After pausing momentarily, Cohen said, “Look, the president wants to grow the U.S. economy.” He continued, “The president ran on a platform of growing the U.S. economy, bringing jobs back, and creating wage growth, and you’re seeing that. Look at the data now. There are 7 million unfilled jobs in the United States. We are finally starting to see some wage growth in the system.”

Wapner asked again, “I get it, but did the president ask you to do that to deal with the deficit?” Cohen, again, declined to deny Woodward’s account.

“The president wants to grow the economy,” he repeated. “As I said, the president really was interested in growing the economy, doing what he could within his powers, to grow the U.S. economy and bring jobs back and create wage growth. That was his plan, that was his mission.”

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