Eddie Griffin and His $1.5 Million Viral Marketing Campaign

A lot can be said about the wisdom of handing over keys to your $1.5 million Ferrari Enzo, and it becomes worse when it’s to take it for a few laps around a race track at high speeds. But maybe Eddie Griffin and Daniel Sadek (who allowed his own cars to be used for the filming of the movie) just understand the value of free (well, not quite) press.
When you consider that the above video has been seen by over 1,000,000 people through video sites like Break.com and YouTube. And not counting the millions of people who will see it through local news coverage, you’re talking about a pretty sweet media campaign. I have yet to see this clip where someone hasn’t mentioned that it was to promote the new movie Redline.

Now I am pretty certain that this was not the intent of Griffin when he slammed into a solid barrier, but at least it’s a bright side for Sadek to look at.

[tags]eddie, griffin, daniel, sadek, redline, ferrari, enzo, movie, viral, video, youtube, break.com[/tags]

Ed Shull – Marketing Genius

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