Don’t let Christopher French anywhere near your children

Christopher French was a substitute teacher before he became a full time special education teacher’s aide and soccer coach at the McCall Middle School in Winchester, MA. The twenty eight year old was arrested in June of 2008 and charged with one count of child enticement. He posted the five thousand dollar bail, was ordered to stay away from children, and walked out the door. He was also suspended without pay by the school.

In September of 2008, French was painting lines on a school field where students walk by. He was unsupervised at least part of the time he was on the school property. What is even more unimaginable is that he was hired to do this work by a Winchester police officer!

French has since been indicted on charges of child rape, child enticement, posing a child in a state of nudity, distributing visual material of a child in a state of nudity, possession of child pornography, and distributing matter harmful to minors. Attorneys allege that French initially contacted young girls through online conversations at places such as MySpace and Facebook. They further allege that he exchanged sexually explicit photos, enticed under aged girls to meet him for sex, and in at least one case, committed rape against a fourteen year old girl.

Filthy Lucre Plant Resources:

Githopsis specularioides Nutt.

Lecidea glaucopholis Nyl.

Berkheya Ehrh.

Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav.

Allium abramsii (Ownbey & Aase) McNeal

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