A couple great videos

I hate just posting videos to the blog, but there are a couple that came out this week that are just too good not to spread around. The above video is a spoof of the Microsoft Surface table. When I first saw the demo I thought, “what are the practical applications for this thing?”. It looks like that thought wasn’t original. It’s not like you can really type of it, or you would want to stare down at a table to do video conferencing or most gaming. WTF is it good for, other than a cool factor in your house.
The second video is just a great Entourage spoof with George W. and the gang. And in all honesty, how do we keep that Attorney General? Now I’ll admit to being someone who gets most of my news from John Stewart (slightly less slanted than Fox News), but I think anyone can clearly see the man is lying.

[tags]microsoft, entourage, George Bush, surface, table[/tags]

Rob Semaan  

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