A Big Change

I had a big change in my life this week. After nearly 6 years of long days I have left my position at USWeb. I decided that I need a change of pace, and that USWeb was not really the right fit for me going forward.

I will be moving forward with Blogitive, and will be incorporating it into my new company, NetResults. I have been working on some really exciting updates to Blogitive, so this is an exciting time on that end as well. This change will allow me to focus more on building out Blogitive into what I would like it to be, which is the best solution for bloggers to make money online.

I will also be maintaining some side projects at NetResults. I have a stake in a couple ecommerce ventures (eSnacks.com and DotFlowers) with more on the way. And since I love consulting, I will be maintaining a few select clients in that space as well.

It’s not easy to make such a big change in my life. I find myself second guessing the decision, and of course there is some worry. But in the end I know this is the right choice. There are certain freedoms that just don’t go along with any organization bigger than 2 – 3 people. I need that freedom or I get bored.

If you’re interested in my new company, you can check out NetResults here. Feel free to stop by, or better yet link to me! I need a lot of links to get back to the power usweb.com has in the search engines.

One cool thing about going this route is I am going to try to better document the company’s start on the NetResults blog. Hopefully some will find that interesting.

[tags]usweb, netresults.com, blogitive, esnacks, dotflowers[/tags]

Jeffrey J Basford  


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