Native to Central and South America, the kinkajou is a nocturnal mammal that is closely related to the raccoon and coati.
There are subspecies of kinkajous so size can vary. They usually weight up to 7 pounds with a body length between 17 and 25 inches. They possess a gold or brown outer coat with an overlapping gray undercoat.
This mammal is incredibly strong. Their strength is adapted from their ability to climb and hang from trees in the wild. They use their tail like an extra paw when climbing. Their tail can grow to be just as long as their body.
The kinkajou is a common pet in El Salvador and often called micoleon which translates to “lion monkey”. They are nocturnal and that has become the most common complaint from kinkajou owners. The animal is most active in between the hours of 7 p.m. and 1 a.m. This can be bothersome for early risers. They do not like being awake during the day. They can be become stressed and possibly aggressive if disrupted. It is important to find the perfect place to keep a kinkajou they need some quite away from everyone else where they can sleep.
This pet does not have a noticeable odor but can be messy. They throw food and eliminate when and where they see fit.
A kinkajou will need a large, tall cage. It should be a minimum of 4 feet wide, 6 feet long and 6 feet tall, the larger the better with these animals. There should be plenty of branches, shelves, ropes and toys to keep the kinkajou busy and prevent boredom.
In the wild, the kinkajou will eat fruit and nectar that they extract with their long tongues. They have sharp teeth and claws that allow them to access and eat some of the tougher fruit found in the trees. The species is naturally an omnivore but prefers fruits. They can be fed tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, kiwis, grapes and pineapple.
Owning an exotic pet like the kinkajou may not be legal in your area or state so it is important to check the legal requirements of owning one of these exotic animals before deciding to adopt. You may be required to obtain licenses, do inspections and background checks. Because the kinkajous is an exotic pet normal veterinarians may not treat them. Check with your local vet to see if they treat exotic animals, if the refuse, find out if they have any recommendations.