Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow founded Goop Inc. and now, the lifestyle brand agrees to pay $145,000 to settle allegations made. The company voiced unscientific claims regarding the benefits of three products produced by Goop.
The case involved a $66 item, Goop’s Jade Egg, that inserts into the vagina to enhance sexual energy. The Rose Quartz Egg, a similar product to the Jade Egg, and an Inner Judge Flower Essence Blend are also items involved in the case.
Goop originally advertised that the eggs are capable of balancing hormones, regulating menstrual cycles and increasing bladder control, according to a statement from Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas on Tuesday. Rackauckas was part of the task force of California district attorneys that negotiated the settlement. It was also noted that Goop sold the Inner Judge Flower as a way of helping to prevent depression.
The Jade Egg is presented on its website, claiming: “Used by women to increase sexual energy—this yoni egg is made of nephrite jade stone, meant to promote health and pleasure.”

When asked what exactly a flower essence is and what’s the process of creating one, Goop responded saying, “A flower essence is a bioenergetic preparation. Through the use of sunlight and water, we are able to capture the energy of a flower and use it for healing purposes: A freshly harvested flower is placed on the surface of water for a specific length of time and exposed to sunlight, resulting in the vibrational imprint of the flower in water. The flower essence is then used as an energetic remedy, with each flower having its own range of unique therapeutic benefits.”

Due to the lack of scientific research behind the claims the company presented, Goop agreed to refund money to all customers who purchased the three products, in addition the settlement, according to Bloomberg. The company also agreed to stop making claims regarding their efficacy.
The Santa Monica based company said it disagreed with the prosecutors’ position and feel they did no wrong, but desired to settle the matter regardless. “Goop provides a forum for practitioners to present their views and experiences with various products like the Jade Egg,” Erica Moore, the company’s chief financial officer, said in an emailed statement. “The law, though, sometimes views statement like this as advertising claims, which are subject to various legal requirements.”